Monday, May 4, 2009

Hehe, biosoc camp =)

Hi everyone,
Camp photoz. *Note the high level of informality*

Yay rsbs =)
uhh... nevermind. Basically for those sad people who didn't turn up for our wonderful camp. See, at least Wen Jie is guai enough to finish his hw. before the camp. The answers are correct by the way =).

However, please refrain from endangering your life by emo-ing like this guy...

or them for that matter,
and don't go insane and actually attempt to converse with a picture. wierdos ._.

or claim to be a close relative of your domestic chicken, (not true by the way, though of course, the Darwinist will argue that you belong to a common ancestor and any difference is merely due to natural selection.) [ps. i got lazy and forgot to rotate the picture around]

cos...I, the one and only... *Drumroll*... Lawry~!! (disambiguation: not lorry, though having comparative advantage in mass to your average car as are me to the average person in RJ)

will shoot u with me lazar eyez. Rawr. See, i has red eyez and r charging me lazar >=D. Nah joking, but i'll still not hesistate to unleash my godly wrath by entrusting my entire gravitational burden to thou who actually tries to irritate me.
That aside, now for a brief overview on what went through the camp, please refer to the consent form. Haha.
Now... camp pictures!

As much as they intend to make it seem like a lover's quarrel, they are actually smiling. ._."

Phailed attempt at imitating "thousand hand guan yin"?

Please keep your desires to yourself, no matter how desperate you may be =).

*Slaps at a speed at which the punch had no chance of catching up*
*Earnest has been knocked out*

Gil: Where is his active site?!?! =(
[please do not attempt to pursue the true meaning of this if you don't get it]

Brina: *extends left arm to behind his head*
*Bzzzt... mind control. Now heed my commandz.*

You may be taller than Raffles, but i'm still taller. D=

Meijia should stop eating chocolate muffinz.

That must be a public phone. I'm sure of it.
Someone fails at classification of species according to Kingdom.

And finally... *drumrolls again*
Yes, '"*^THE^*"' video.
How unglam. lol.

OkOk. Funny and obscene and unglam as these pictures may be, please do not proceed to flame or excessively "suan" these people anymore than this post has attempted to do, thanks. =).

Anyway, I decided to add some things in photohunt that we actually intended you all to do, but missed out. (and as a chance to even out by posting unglam pictures of us as well so it won't be too biased a post.)

6 leaves in increasing order of length

*I can has cheezeburgerz?*

Species: Rubbishes binnes
Yes, chew, I know you're lighter than me. But you can't assume gravity = 0

Red bull gives you _____ =)

Ok, thats it for now. Haha. If you so happen to have a sudden urge to obtain more camp photos, feel free to find people who have them, namely, Me, Chew, PuHwai (the slightly darker guy walking around with the camera). Anyway, camp was fun thanks to a whole lot of people and don't forget to invite us j2s back if there's a camp next year! =)

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